Romans 3:23-24 - Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. (NASB)
The 2019 summer is upon us and we are in full swing. The outside siding of the multipurpose center went up this week, repairs are being conducted on the dormitory apartment, and are camp registrations are filling up quickly.
We are approximately $90,000 away from completing the multipurpose center. About 15 months ago, we were breaking ground on this new building, no knowing where the funds would come from, but trusting that He would provide. Our Father in heaven has blessed
Shiloh beyond measure. Here we stand, a year later, the foundation poured, framework up, sides up, and heating installed. We continue to trust that He will provide the remaining funds to complete this amazing project. Once completed, this new building will be used for so much more than our Shiloh campers. We would love to see more outreach to the local Valley County residence, more churches benefiting from these year round facilities and more children and families hearing and growing in Jesus Christ.
Speaking of growth, we have 386 campers signed up for our 2019 summer camps (as of June 20). We finished our 2018 camp season with a total of 340 campers. Praise God that we can reach so many more children for the Gospel.
Our summer staff training concluded on Saturday, June 15 and consisted of 15 young adults and 30+ Timothy's who will be serving at Shiloh this summer. With so many campers coming to Shiloh, there's a lot of work that needs to be done to prepare for all that this summer will bring. On top of the preparation for this summer, we're excited that 70+ Timothy's completed this years discipleship program. One of the things that makes Shiloh so unique is the ongoing love and discipleship that is poured into these youth. Our 11 Timothy groups and their leaders conduct regular Bible studies, learn how to lead devotions, participate in Christian service activities, and stay active in their personal daily devotions. This ongoing training is very unique to any camping ministry and we are blessed to be a part of His work here at Shiloh.
Here at Shiloh, we rely upon volunteers to serve our campers. All full-time serve as missionaries, and our part-time and summer staff serve as seasonal volunteers. If you would like to be a part of the amazing work, you can apply to serve at Shiloh online at If you would like to donate funds to be used towards camper scholarships, or towards the completion of the multipurpose center, you can do so online at
Luke 18:16 - But Jesus called for them, saying, “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (NASB)