We had another amazing summer here at Shiloh. We had 91 first time decisions made for Christ and 192 recommitments for Christ! Praise the Lord!! We had 604 campers, 78 Timothy’s, 17 Summer Missionaries and 310 volunteers this year. With the craziness of our world, it’s been such a blessing to have a normal summer with zero Covid outbreaks and campers getting to continue to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.
In addition to our regular summer camps, Shiloh had the privilege of ministering to various churches this summer and fall. In total, we have had six youth camps, two men’s retreats, three family camps and one women’s retreat in addition to our eight Shiloh camps. It’s been such a blessing to see the Lord use Shiloh to reach so many children, youth, families, men and women for Christ.
With summer coming to an end, we have begun looking forward and planning for our fall and winter camps. We have another 13 camps scheduled between October 2021 and March 2022. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team and are willing to serve at one of these weekend camps, we would love to have you! Our volunteer needs during the fall and winter months typically include kitchen staff, camp nurse and bus drivers. Bus drivers are required to have their CDL passenger endorsement. Camp nurses need to have some sort of medical experience. Kitchen staff need to have nothing more than a heart to serve.
Kreider Send Off: As many of you know, Eric and Lexi Kreider have moved on to the next chapter in their lives.It has been such a blessing to be able to serve with them these past three summers.Both Eric and Lexi felt the Lord calling them to something new and they left Shiloh this past August.Their family will be missed.
Timothy Charge Program
Shiloh’s Timothy Charge Program is a vital part of the ministry we do here at camp. The Timothy Charge Program takes campers between the ages of 12 and 18 and trains them up in the way of the Lord. This year-long discipleship training program brings youth together in the community to meet regularly with their Timothy advisors where they study the Word, hold each other accountable to walking in the Lord, and participate in a variety of service activities. Our Timothy Kickoff Camp is from October 9-10 and is free to all interested campers. Signups for this camp can be found online at Shilohbibleconference.com.
Facilities Update
With so many more camps, there comes the need to continuously maintain and improve the camp facility. Some of these projects include paying off the remaining balance of the land and building addition ($150,000), completing the bathroom addition in the multipurpose center ($280,000), constructing a new camp store ($25,000 - $40,000), purchasing a new commercial lawnmower ($5,000), purchasing a new electric double oven ($8,000), and repairing the roof of one of the staff houses (TBD).
One of the ministry goals here at Shiloh is to keep the cost of camp as
low as possible. We do that by relying on volunteers and missionaries alike. Shiloh currently operates with a board of 7 men, two full time missionary families and hundreds of adult and youth volunteers. We are currently looking for individuals to serve in all these roles; however, our most needed roles now include our full-time missionary roles. If you, or someone you know is interested in serving at Shiloh as a full time missionary, please reach out to us at 208-325-8239. Our needed missionary roles include Facilities Director, Program Director and Head Cook. Roles are very flexible as the missionaries at Shiloh often wear many different hats.
Do you have a heart for ministry at Shiloh? If so, please print out the image below and mail it to Shiloh at theoffice.sbc@gmail.com.
In Christ,
The Shiloh Team