Partner with Shiloh Bible Conference

Timothy Charge Program
Guide young people into an alive and active growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first goal is for each student to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ by way of reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture & praying on a regular basis. A regular, consistent written Bible & Prayer log is expected. (1 Timothy 4:7-8; 2 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 4:14-15; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Train them up for service and leadership in their local church, at Shiloh Bible Camp, and future opportunities.
Each student should be committed to regularly attending their local church. Sermon notes will be expected to show they are listening and learning. (Hebrews 10:25; 1 Timothy 4: 7-8, 12-13)
Each student will be required to become involved in service and leadership through their local church and at Shiloh. Depending on their maturity, either a weekly service or serving at special events a few times throughout the year will be expected. (1 Timothy 4:12, 14a; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
Train & encourage them in evangelizing their friends & peers.
Each student will be encouraged to diligently learn more about the Bible by participating in a sound, instructive Bible class provided by either their local church or one offered by Shiloh. Consistent attendance and completion of lessons is expected. (2 Timothy 2:15; Ephesians 4:14-15)
For students to become actively involved in evangelizing their friends and peers, participation in Outreach Events provided by the local church and/or Shiloh Bible Camp is encouraged. (2 Timothy 4:1-5; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20)

Summer Missionary Program
Would you like working at camp to be your summer job? Would you also be interested in helping out with possible Vacation Bible Schools or short term Mission Trips? Then consider being a Summer Missionary with Shiloh Bible Conference & Camp
Serve with us for every week of camp at Shiloh in any or several of the Camp Staff positions. Be available for possibly helping with Vacation Bible Schools.
Raise your own Missionary Support! God’s people love to help with this. We will educate you in how to do this. This is a great way to serve the Lord and receive income.
Must be at least 16 years of age. Those under 18 are encouraged to be a part of the Shiloh Timothy Charge Program.
Adults of any age can participate!
Complete the application form in full and wait for approval by the Shiloh Executive Team. Once approved, begin raising support as a Shiloh Summer Missionary.

Intern Program
Would you like to be a Full Time Missionary, but want some experience first?
Join our Intern Program and spend two to three years Interning under one of our current Full Time Missionaries.
This program is great for those still in college, or who have just graduated.
You can work part time AND begin raising support if you prefer, or just raise support.

Camp Volunteer
Would you like to help at camp, but you only have time to volunteer once in a while? We have a place for you! Most of our Camp Staff fit in this category. In order to determine how best to utilize your gifts, we ask all volunteers to complete a volunteer application.
What do we need help with?
Cabin Leaders, Cooks, Speakers, Skill Class Teachers, Nurses, Nightwatch, Bus Drivers, Dishwashers, Music Leaders, Lifeguards, Wranglers, Work Days, etc.
What are the Requirements?
Those 18 and older must successfully apply to Shiloh. Those under 18 must be part of the Shiloh Timothy Charge, which is a year round discipleship program (contact Shiloh for information.)
Staff Training:
Required for all with the exception of Speakers, Cooks, Dishwashers or other kitchen assistants.
Full-Time Missionary
Is full-time camping ministry for you? Would you like working at camp to be your full-time job?
If so, you can be a full-time missionary here in Idaho with Shiloh.
Housing Provided
​What are the Requirements?
Raise your own Missionary Support. (Don’t know how to do that? Don’t worry, we will help you learn!)
Must be at least 18 years of age or older.
Current Open Positions​
(Click each position to learn more)
Timothy Coordinator
Complete the Shiloh Application
Email your resume and application to theoffice.sbc@gmail.com.